Is there a lightweight way to return CPU time spent on a search query in the _search response?

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
OpenSearch 2.x

I see OpenSearch has a query profiling feature but this returns a lot more information than I need and adds significant overhead. Is there a lightweight way to return just CPU time spent? I see thread cpu time is tracked via the search backpressure mechanism so the data exists but I wasn’t able to figure out if it could be returned to the requester.

If not, is this a feature that would be worth implementing?

Call tasks api with setting the parameter detailed to true can show the resource stats for each task , like this:

GET _tasks?detailed=true

, the response contains resource stats for each task:

"resource_stats": {
            "average": {
              "cpu_time_in_nanos": 0,
              "memory_in_bytes": 0
            "total": {
              "cpu_time_in_nanos": 0,
              "memory_in_bytes": 0
            "min": {
              "cpu_time_in_nanos": 0,
              "memory_in_bytes": 0
            "max": {
              "cpu_time_in_nanos": 0,
              "memory_in_bytes": 0
            "thread_info": {
              "thread_executions": 0,
              "active_threads": 0

you can only fetch the search tasks by specifying the action parameter:

GET _tasks?actions=*search&detailed

And if you can make do with the time spent on all queries of an index you can use the Indices Stats API.