Is it possible to make the Vega script dynamically retrieve data from OpenSearch every time the visualization is clicked, rather than just once?

Versions: OpenSearch Dashboards v2.11.1
Vega v5

Describe the issue:

  "$schema": "...modified/schema/vega/v5.json",
  "description": "An arc diagram depicting character co-occurrence in the novel Les Misérables."
  "data": [
    "url": {
        "%context%": true,
        "index": "name_index",
          "size": 0,
          "aggs": {
            "ip_pairs": {
              "composite": {
                "size": 50,
                "sources": [
                  { "source": { "terms": { "field": "source.ip" } } },
                  { "target": { "terms": { "field": "destination.ip" } } }
              "aggs": {
                "total_bytes": {
                  "sum": {
                   "script": {
                      "source":  "if (doc['source.bytes'].size() > 0 && doc['source.bytes'].value > 0 && doc['destination.bytes'].size() > 0 && doc['destination.bytes'].value > 0) {return doc['source.bytes'].value + doc['destination.bytes'].value;} else {return 0;}",
                      "lang": "painless"
      "format": {
      "property": "aggregations.ip_pairs.buckets"
    "transform": [
        "type": "formula",
        "as": "source",
        "expr": "datum.key.source"
        "type": "formula",
        "as": "target",
        "expr": ""
        "type": "formula",
        "as": "total_bytes",
        "expr": "datum.total_bytes.value"
      // {
      // "type": "project",
      // "fields": ["source", "target", "total_bytes"], // Only include field1 and field2 in the output
      // "as":["source", "target", "total_bytes"] // Optionally rename the fields (omitting "as" keeps the original names)
      // }

  "name": "filteredEdges",
  "source": "edges",
  "transform": [
      "type": "filter",
      "expr": "!selectedIP || datum.source === selectedIP || === selectedIP"
    "name": "sourceDegree",
    "source": "edges",
    "transform": [
        "type": "aggregate",
        "groupby": ["source"],
        "ops": ["count"], // Add an aggregation operation
        "as": ["degree"]  // Name the output field
    "name": "targetDegree",
    "source": "edges",
    "transform": [
        "type": "aggregate",
        "groupby": ["target"],
        "ops": ["count"], // Add an aggregation operation
        "as": ["degree"]  // Name the output field

    "name": "unique_ips",
    "source": "edges",
    "transform": [
        "type": "aggregate",
        "groupby": ["source", "target"]
        "type": "fold",
        "fields": ["source", "target"]
        "type": "aggregate",
        "groupby": ["value"],
        "as": ["unique_ips"]
        "type": "formula",
        "as": "name",
        "expr": "datum.value"
        "type": "window",
        "ops": ["row_number"],
        "as": ["index"]
        "type": "project",
        "fields": ["name", "index"]
    "name": "nodes",
    "source": "unique_ips",
    "transform": [
        "type": "lookup",
        "from": "sourceDegree",
        "key": "source",
        "fields": ["name"],
        "as": ["sourceDegree"],
        "type": "lookup",
        "from": "targetDegree",
        "key": "target",
        "fields": ["name"],
        "as": ["targetDegree"],

        "type": "formula",
        "as": "degree",
        "expr": " +"
      // Generate an order number for each IP
      "type": "window",
      "ops": ["row_number"],
      "as": ["order"]
  "name": "connectedNodes",
  "source": "nodes",
  "transform": [
      "type": "filter",
      "expr": "selectedIP ? (indata('filteredEdges', 'source', || indata('filteredEdges', 'target', || === selectedIP) : true"



 "signals": [
      "name": "arcHeight",
      "value": 0,
      "bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 50, "step": 5}
 "signals": [
    "name": "selectedIP", // This signal holds the currently selected IP
    "value": null,        // Default value is null (no selection)
    "on": [               // This signal updates on these events
        "events": "@ipText:click", // When text with the "name" mark "ipText" is clicked
        "update": " === selectedIP ? null :" // Toggle selection

  "scales": [
      "name": "position",
      "type": "band", 
      "domain": {"data": "nodes", "field": "order", "sort": true},
      "range": "width"
      "name": "color",
      "type": "ordinal",
      "range": "category",
      "domain": {"data": "nodes", "field": "order"}
      "name": "widthScale",
      "type": "linear",
      "domain": {"data": "edges", "field": "total_bytes"},
      "range": [1, 10]

  "marks": [
      "type": "symbol",
      "name": "layout",
      "interactive": false,
      "from": {"data": "nodes"},
      "encode": {
        "enter": {
          "opacity": {"value": 0}
         "update": {
          "x": {"scale": "position", "field": "order"},
          "y": {"value": 0},
          "size": {"field": "degree", "mult": 19, "offset": 20},
          "fill": [
        {"test": " < 2", "value": "green"},
        {"test": " >= 2 && < 5", "value": "yellow"},
        {"test": " >= 5", "value": "red"}

      "type": "path",
      "from": {"data": "filteredEdges"},
      "encode": {
        "update": {
          "stroke": {"value": "#000"},
          "strokeOpacity": {"value": 0.2},
          "strokeWidth": {"scale": "widthScale", "field": "total_bytes"},
      "transform": [
          "type": "lookup", "from": "layout", "key": "",
          "fields": ["datum.source", ""],
          "as": ["sourceNode", "targetNode"]
          "type": "linkpath",
          "sourceX": {"expr": "min(datum.sourceNode.x, datum.targetNode.x)"},
          "targetX": {"expr": "max(datum.sourceNode.x, datum.targetNode.x)"},
          "sourceY": {"expr":"0"},
          "targetY": {"expr": "0"},
          "shape": "arc"        }

      "type": "symbol",
      "from": {"data": "layout"},
      "encode": {
        "update": {
          "x": {"field": "x"},
          "y": {"field": "y"}, 
          "fill": {"field": "fill"},
          "size": {"field": "size"}

      "type": "text",
      "from": {"data": "connectedNodes"},
      "encode": {
        "update": {
          "x": {"scale":"position", "field":"order"},
          "y": {"value": 7},
          "fontSize": {"value": 12},
          "align": {"value": "right"},
          "baseline": {"value": "middle"},
          "angle": {"value": -90},
          "text": {"field": "name"},
          "fill": [
        {"test": " === selectedIP", "value": "firebrick"}, // Highlight selected IP
        {"value": "black"} // Default color for other IPs

This script creates arc shaped visualization with ips being connected through paths.

Whenever any ip address is being clicked, only that ip and its related ips should be shown.

The same effect can be achieved when I use filter manually

source.ip is ip or source.ip is one of ip


  1. Interactive visualization which creates or modifies a filter when ip address is being clicked. Filter is created at the top left of the visualization. (Visualization filter)

  2. Vega will retrieve data from OpenSearch every time ip address is clicked. It means that it will request new data every time when ip is clicked.

In the first option we have initial data set which does not change we just take some ips selectively based on the filter. In the second option, our data set changes with every click.

Transform and signal features does not work for me since they take limited ips from the initially retrieved data not updating data set.

Please let me know if any of the above mentioned options are possible to implement.

This would be such an amazing feature. Not just related to interactions, but also to feed results from one query into the next. For us we’re often having to query a lot more data at once than is necessary in order to be able to have all the things at hand that might be required, but often aren’t, and in some cases you just cannot query enough things from multiple indices and know you have everything you need without overloading the system.
I know there are ways in the backend to rollup the data required etc. but that can take a lot longer to iterate on when we could use dynamic querying to solve those things much more quickly and without the overhead.