Installing sentinL or any plugin to Open Distro for Elasticsearch

Hi !
I was trying to add some plugins to the basic Open Distro for Elasticsearch installation and nothing worked.
I tried to yum remove opendistro-alerting and install sentinL. It said success and the sentinL folder is present in /usr/share/kibana/plugins beside the opendistro_security one.
But after restarting Kibana, I don’t see any sentinL on the sidebar.
If i check the plugins installed, no sentinL plugin and it says opendistro-alerting still installed?

Do you have any idea about this issue?
Thank you.


Ok I managed to fix it.
When I installed sentinL, all the permissions on sentinL were root, so kibana couldn’t read it.

chown -R kibana:kibana /usr/share/kibana/plugins/sentinl/

But if I check the plugins installed, it still doesn’t show sentinL or any others plugins.

Do you have any documentation to explain the rights about monitoring/alerting?
Thank you.


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