In Opensearch failed to register repo with MINIO S3 using "HTTPS" protocol

Hi ,

I’m using opensearch (1.3.14), and I’m having trouble registering a repo to take snapshots of the existing index for backup purposes with Minio S3 using the “https” protocol. Minio snapshots work perfectly with HTTP, but I receive an error claiming that some certificate failed while using https.

Anyone please advise me how to configure the HTTPS protocol with S3 storage in Opensearch?

you need to add your’s mino s3 certificate to JVM-wide truststore

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Thanks for the suggestion .

Can you please share me any reference link or guide doc to add certificate in JVM-wide trustore.

I couldn’t find reference link. You can add custom certs using keytool. The location is also depend how you’re using opensearch (bundled jdk or not, are you on container etc.) but its like $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts

Link to similar thread in elasticsearch forum
Configure certificate for repository-s3 with ceph - Elastic Stack / Elasticsearch - Discuss the Elastic Stack