How to get system index(.opendistro-alerting-alerts) in alerting in monitor

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
opensearch version 2.15
opensearch dashboard version 2.15

hii There
i want get system index (.opendistro-alerting-alerts) in alerting in monitor (Per query monitor)

there are show only two index not showing system index
there are opensearch in DEV tool in show this index (.opendistro-alerting-alerts)


Have you tried pasting it in the selection box? I think it will work, because the prompt box only shows the manually-created indices and not the system’s ones.


i want access system index in alerting select data index do you have any solution
how to access system index in alerting in monitor

Enter the index in the selection box

@Kmrs97 This seems to be fixed in 2.16.0

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