How to get score per chunk so that i can retrieve the most relevant chunk from the document?

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Opensearch 2.18

Describe the issue:
I am using a text chunking preprocessor to store not only the text but also chunks of the text. I’m also using hybrid search so i want to have neural search and bm25 to retrieve relevant documents. This is all working but im only getting the score for the whole document. I would like to have score per chunk also so that i can extract the most relevant chunk from the document. Is there any tutorial i can use to check how to do this? It might be just a small configuration effort but im still new to the OpenSearch so im not sure how to do this. You can find the whole configuration below.

I based my configuration mostly on the opensearch documentation.
For the ingest pipeline i followed the text chunking example:

  "description": "A text chunking and embedding ingest pipeline",
  "processors": [
      "text_chunking": {
        "algorithm": {
          "fixed_token_length": {
            "token_limit": 10,
            "overlap_rate": 0.2,
            "tokenizer": "standard"
        "field_map": {
          "passage_text": "passage_chunk"
      "text_embedding": {
        "model_id": "LMLPWY4BROvhdbtgETaI",
        "field_map": {
          "passage_chunk": "passage_chunk_embedding"

For the ingest index i followed the same tutorial for text chunking:

  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "knn": true,
       "default_pipeline": "nlp-ingest-pipeline"
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "text": {
        "type": "text"
      "passage_chunk_embedding": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
          "knn": {
            "type": "knn_vector",
            "dimension": 768

For the search pipeline i followed the hybrid search tutorial:

    "description": "Post processor for hybrid search",
    "phase_results_processors": [
            "normalization-processor": {
                "normalization": {
                    "technique": "min_max"
                "combination": {
                    "technique": "arithmetic_mean",
                    "parameters": {
                        "weights": [
    "request_processors": [
            "neural_query_enricher": {
                "default_model_id": "LMLPWY4BROvhdbtgETaI"

In the end i use hybrid query to perform the search:

  "_source": {
    "exclude": [
  "query": {
    "hybrid": {
      "queries": [
          "match": {
            "passage_text": {
              "query": "Hi world"
          "nested": {
            "score_mode": "max",
            "path": "passage_chunk_embedding",
            "query": {
              "neural": {
                "passage_chunk_embedding.knn": {
                  "query_text": "document",
                  "model_id": "-tHZeI4BdQKclr136Wl7"

Thanks for creating this question. Perhaps you can try inner_hits (Inner hits - OpenSearch Documentation) in OpenSearch. This is a valid use case and I’m considering an RFC on neural-search Github repo (GitHub - opensearch-project/neural-search: Plugin that adds dense neural retrieval into the OpenSearch ecosytem). Before that, I just want to confirm you requirement:

  1. Obtain relevance score for each chunk.
  2. The search query can directly return the matched chunk from your query.

If the inner_hits solution does not work, please try this workaround: flatten the chunked documents and ingest the data into another index. You can use other tools like OpenSearch python client and LogStash.