Getting 403 forbidden when trying to use an internal user that is mapped to a role with a restrictive index pattern

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Using AWS Opensearch service (engine - Opensearch 2.5 )

Describe the issue:
Connected to AWS Opensearch dashboard url (present inside VPC) via tunneling and created internal user, role and mapped internal user to the role with permission at index level (index_all) and cluster level access (cluster_monitor) on the specified index pattern (indexname)

Getting 403 forbidden when trying to use an internal user (to create index / access alias) that is mapped to a role with a restrictive index pattern .

Please note this error goes away when index pattern is set to * (open ended)


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
Application logs

  • Component service:org.XXX.opensearch.OpenSearchComponent notification of application started failed: org.opensearch.client.ResponseException: method [HEAD], host [], URI [/_alias/indexname], status line [HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden]

Hey @aspiringananya

by chance, when you created that internal user error did you run the script?

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@Gsmitt , I am using a managed opensearch cluster (AWS) , BTW I got some clarification here , Thanks much !