Hi, we are version 2.7 and from time to time we are getting 400 error after login to okta
Hi @taltsafrir,
Would you mind elaborating more, could you share your config.yml?
Are there any error messages in your OpenSearch nodes?
Extracting JWT token from eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE3MTQ5ODA2NDAsImV4cCI6MTcxNTA2NzA0MCwic3ViIjoiZGFuaWVsLnZpbm9rdXJvdkBodW1hbnNlY3VyaXR5LmNvbSIsInNhbWxfbmlmIjoidSIsInNhbWxfc2kiOiJPTkVMT0dJTl8yZTE2MTc0Ny1kYmQxLTRjYzUtODU5MC05ZWZmMGZmMjY0ZjUiLCJyb2xlcyI6bnVsbH0.12LsK9DeP-AM2MFAIWEjWpqfjjaovkarF86PvBHjGEUQzBSlWHdJVvMc_eoPGkFKwsmUXScT-7K-z9NlXTAKPw failed
com.amazon.dlic.auth.http.jwt.keybyoidc.BadCredentialsException: The token has expired
Hi @taltsafrir,
How are you mapping your SAML user (JWT token) to internal OpenSearch roles?
Usually, you would use a roles_key (see sample below, it’s missing in your config) as a backend role mapped to an internal OpenSearch role, however, your role is null
(see below).
config.dynamic.authc.saml_auth_domain.http_authenticator.config.roles_key: roles