Flat_object field type size limitations

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
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Describe the issue:
Receiving a mesageObj._valueAndPath\\\" is too large, must be <= 32766 during bulkUpdate for a flat_object field where the json value has no leaf nodes which exceed 32kb. Is it strictly primitive values of leaf nodes which should be considered? Are there instances where nested objects are parsed as values? ie) a nested array of objects?

My understanding of JsonToStringXContentParser is that it flattens json objects and stores several fields in lucene including path+value. If this is true, my object shouldn’t be being rejected as there are no combinations of {path}={primitive value} which exceed 32kb. The object as a whole and several nested objects do exceed 32kb. My best guess is that nested objects, maybe in arrays, are being considered as values which do indeed exceed 32kb. Should this be the case? Unfortunately, the error does specify which leaf field in the flat_object is the issue.

OpenSearch Serverless (AWS)

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I’m making requests using the opensearch js client. I’ve used Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(bulkReq), 'utf8') to check the size of the entire payload and that comes out to 233027. I’ve also parsed the object using the same logic as the JsonToStringXContentParser and the largest combination of value+path is 210 bytes.