FIlebeat and Metricbeat are connecting to Opensearch but not shipping the data

Hi Team,

I am using Opensearch 1.3 docker setup, Opensearch and dashboard are running properly. When I configured filebeat agent. setup command succeeded also it started with error harvesting the files. But don’t see any index in opensearch or dashboard.

What could be the possible reason for not creating index?

Thank you in advance

Are you sure you are using the supported version of filebeat / metricbeat?


Yes, I am using Opensearch 1.3 and agents are Filebeat 7.12x (windows).

I modified filebeat.yml
Ran ./filebeat.exe setup -e It ran successfully without error but didn’t create an index in elasticsearch.
Started ./filebeat.exe -c filebeat.yml -e -d "*" this also started harvesting files but getting bocoff and reconnect [INFO] logs.