[Feedback] Neural Search plugin - experimental release

@alessnid will take a look to find out the possible root cause.

This also occurs when using 2.7. The plugin is not working when using the Update API. Are you aware of this? Should we create a bug report?

I have the following mapping,

    "settings": {
        "index.knn": True,
        "default_pipeline": VECTORIZATION_PIPELINE_NAME,
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "title_embedding": {
                "type": "knn_vector",
                "dimension": EMBEDDING_DIMENSION,
                "method": {
                    "name": "hnsw",
                    "space_type": "l2",
                    "engine": "faiss",
                    "parameters": {
                        "encoder": {
                            "name": "flat",
            "short_description": {
                "type": "nested",
                "properties": {
                    "short_description_sentence": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "term_vector": "yes",
                    "short_description_sentence_embedding": {
                        "type": "knn_vector",
                        "dimension": EMBEDDING_DIMENSION,
                        "method": {
                            "name": "hnsw",
                            "space_type": "l2",
                            "engine": "faiss",
                            "parameters": {
                                "encoder": {
                                    "name": "flat",
            "title": {"type": "text", "term_vector": "yes"},

I want to embed “short_description_sentence”. I tried to do so using everyone the following ingestion pipelines. However, I only get embedding for “title” but not for short_description_sentence in the nested field “short_description”. How can I do that?

        "description": "A pipeline for text embedding",
        "processors": [
                "text_embedding": {
                    "model_id": "<a valid model id>",
                    "field_map": {
                        "title": "title_embedding",
                        "short_description_sentence": "short_description_sentence_embedding",
        "description": "A pipeline for text embedding",
        "processors": [
                "text_embedding": {
                    "model_id": "<a valid model id>",
                    "field_map": {
                        "title": "title_embedding",
                        "short_description.short_description_sentence": "short_description.short_description_sentence_embedding",
    "description": "A pipeline for text embedding",
    "processors": [
            "foreach": {
                "field": "short_description",
                "processor": {
                    "text_embedding": {
                        "model_id": "<a valid model id>",
                        "field_map": {
                            "_ingest._value.short_description_sentence": "_ingest._value.short_description_sentence_embedding",

Any ideas on how to get it to work with the nested field are much appreciated. Thanks in advance.