Exact KNN queries not cached

Hi Folks,

I have a cluster with vectors indexed in a knn index and I’d like to find exact K-nearest neighbors for a given vector using score_script. There are about 500K documents in total.

I’m using the following query to find the id of top 10 nearest neighbors(documents) of the test_vector after filtering documents that match test_key

          "size": 10,
          "_source": false,
          "fields": ["id"],
          "query": {
            "script_score": {
              "query": {
                "match": {
                  "key.keyword": {{test_key}}
              "script": {
                "source": "knn_score",
                "lang": "knn",
                "params": {
                  "field": "vector",
                  "query_value": {{test_vector}},
                  "space_type": "innerproduct"

Following are my questions

  1. I observe that request_cache and query_cache is not used at all. I confirmed query_cache and request_cache are enabled. I pulled the index stats before and after I queried and I see no change.
    1.1 Can I expect KNN score_script queries to be cached anywhere?
    1.2 Can I update my search query in anyway to utilize caches and inturn improve search latency?
  2. Updating match query to match “key.keyword” from “key” did not improve the latency. Initially, I used match query on just key field to filter documents matching test_key. I found unexpected document ids in the result. So, I changed the query to match on key.keyword and expected it to reduce the search latency because matching on just key returned a lot more documents compared to key.keyword. I understand that the ideal solution will be to use explicit mapping for the key field to be interpreted as Keyword type and use Term queries for exact match. However, I was expecting this change to improve latency. Am I missing something here?

Thanks for your time in advance. Please let me know if you need more info. from my side.


The same question was asked on public slack channel. Pasting the slack conversation link here. Slack

For no caching happening for exact queries I have cut a github issue: [BUG] Script Score Queries Not getting Cached for K-NN painless Script for Exact Search · Issue #1098 · opensearch-project/k-NN · GitHub

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