In our cluster, the Elastic Search version is 7.6.1 and security is enabled using OpenDistro (please refer https://opendistro.github.io/for-elasticsearch/ ) of a compatible OD version of 1.6 and backup is also enabled for the cluster. I have been trying to connect with ES server with following command:-
curl --max-time 50 --connect-timeout 50 --insecure -X GET -u uname:pwd “https://es-data-fqdn:9200/_cat/snapshots/back-up-repo-name?h=snapshot,status,start_time,end_time,duration,indices,successful_shards,failed_shards,total_shards&format=json”
If pwd in above command contains special characters, we need to escape it. Can you please tell which special characters we need to escape for it?
Thanks for your help.