Moved from GitHub issue #2872
I am trying to configure JWT Authentication for my Opensearch docker container which is on V2.7.0
How can one reproduce the bug?
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Config file updated as follows:
http_enabled: true
transport_enabled: true
order: 0
type: jwt
challenge: false
signing_key: "VGhpc0lzQVRlc3ROYXRUb0JlVXNlZEFudGh3YXJl"
jwt_header: "Authorization"
jwt_url_parameter: null
subject_key: "sub"
roles_key: "roles"
jwt_clock_skew_tolerance_seconds: 20
type: noop
What is the expected behavior?
[opensearch@59901e2344d3 tools]$ ./ -cd …/securityconfig/ -icl -nhnv -cacert …/…/…/config/root-ca.pem -cert …/…/…/config/kirk.pem -key …/…/…/config/kirk-key.pem
Security Admin v7
Will connect to localhost:9200 … done
Connected as “CN=kirk,OU=client,O=client,L=test,C=de”
OpenSearch Version: 2.7.0
Contacting opensearch cluster ‘opensearch’ and wait for YELLOW clusterstate …
Clustername: opensearch-cluster
Clusterstate: YELLOW
Number of nodes: 1
Number of data nodes: 1
.opendistro_security index already exists, so we do not need to create one.
Populate config from /usr/share/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/config.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field “http_enabled” (class, not marked as ignorable (one known property: “dynamic”])
at [Source: (String)“{”_meta":{“type”:“config”,“config_version”:2},“config”:{“dynamic”:{“http”:{“anonymous_auth_enabled”:false,“xff”:{“enabled”:false,“internalProxies”:“|”}},“authc”:null}},“jwt_auth_domain”:{“http_enabled”:true,“transport_enabled”:true,“order”:0,“http_authenticator”:{“type”:“jwt”,“challenge”:false,“config”:{“signing_key”:“VGhpc0lzQVRlc3ROYXRUb0JlVXNlZEFudGh3YXJl”,“jwt_header”:“Authorization”,“jwt_url_parameter”:null,“subject_key”:“sub”,“roles_key”:“roles”,“jwt_clo”[truncated 816 chars]; line: 1, column: 243] (through reference chain:[“jwt_auth_domain”]->[“http_enabled”])
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/roles.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: …/securityconfig/roles.yml (No such file or directory)
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/roles_mapping.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: …/securityconfig/roles_mapping.yml (No such file or directory)
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/internal_users.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: …/securityconfig/internal_users.yml (No such file or directory)
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/action_groups.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: …/securityconfig/action_groups.yml (No such file or directory)
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/tenants.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: …/securityconfig/tenants.yml (No such file or directory)
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/nodes_dn.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: …/securityconfig/nodes_dn.yml (No such file or directory)
ERR: Seems …/securityconfig/whitelist.yml is not in OpenSearch Security 7 format: …/securityconfig/whitelist.yml (No such file or directory)
What is your host/environment?
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
- Version 20.04.5
- Plugins
Do you have any screenshots?
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Do you have any additional context?
Add any other context about the problem.