Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
- AWS OpenSearch Service 2.7 Dashboard
- Google Chrome
Describe the issue:
I’m attempting to load a pretrained embedding model into memory using:
POST /_plugins/_ml/models/_register
“name”: “huggingface/sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2”,
“version”: “1.0.1”,
“model_format”: “TORCH_SCRIPT”
This completes successfully and I’m provided with a model ID when I run this:
GET /_plugins/_ml/tasks/k4w9r4kBBiUmBL-z11AC
“model_id”: “lIw9r4kBBiUmBL-z3FC-”,
“task_type”: “DEPLOY_MODEL”,
“function_name”: “TEXT_EMBEDDING”,
“state”: “COMPLETED”,
“worker_node”: [
“create_time”: 1690862212827,
“last_update_time”: 1690862310966,
“is_async”: true
However, when I try to load this model into memory using this:
POST /_plugins/_ml/models/lIw9r4kBBiUmBL-z3FC-/_load
I’m given this response:
“model_id”: “lIw9r4kBBiUmBL-z3FC-”,
“task_type”: “DEPLOY_MODEL”,
“function_name”: “TEXT_EMBEDDING”,
“state”: “FAILED”,
“worker_node”: [
“create_time”: 1690863161315,
“last_update_time”: 1690863312176,
“error”: “”“{“l8xgkWdfQNGhuez3MPMAqw”:“model content changed”,“NNPgI_0_QUaENi_weYIkNQ”:“model content changed”}”“”,
“is_async”: true
I cannot find any information regarding what this error message means. Also, I was able to successfully load this model before and use it to create vector embeddings which I still have saved in an index.