I’m trying to make the following rollup work:
PUT _plugins/_rollup/jobs/rollupjob_96
"rollup": {
"enabled": true,
"schedule": {
"interval": {
"period": 1,
"unit": "Minutes",
"start_time": 1655510400
"last_updated_time": 1655510400,
"description": “testing_rollup”,
"source_index": “customers-*”,
"target_index": "index_rollupjob_96",
"page_size": 1000,
"delay": 0,
"continuous": true,
"dimensions": [
"date_histogram": {
"source_field": "timestamp",
"fixed_interval": "1m",
"timezone": "Europe/Madrid"
"terms": {
"source_field": "broker"
"metrics": [
"source_field": "tiemporespuesta",
"metrics": [
"avg": {}
"sum": {}
"value_count": {}
"max": {}
It runs without problem, but I get an error when it starts to process the documents. The error I get is the following:
Failed: failed to parse field [tiemporespuesta.max] of type [float] in document with id ‘dxIuEWp0mh3YZ3_8OG3GEA’. Preview of field’s value: ‘-Infinity’
Attached is a screenshot of the error. Does anyone have any ideas that I’m missing? Thank you very much in advance for your help.
PS: If I run the same code, but without the “max” metric it works perfectly, that is, it does the value count and calculates the average and sum. t also fails with the same error when calculating the minimum.