Error creating custom rules through the Rule API

Hello everybody,


I am failing here on a seemingly trivial task: creating a rule through the Rule API. So, quick question: can anybody provide an easy example on how to do this?

An example would be sufficient but if you are interested how I am currently failing, here are the details:

Being on OpenSearch 2.10 I can’t even create a custom rule using the provided example in the official documentation (Rule APIs - OpenSearch documentation).

Using the example as-is like this in Dev Tools:

POST /_plugins/_security_analytics/rules?category=windows
Content-Type: application/json


title: Moriya Rootkit
id: 25b9c01c-350d-4b95-bed1-836d04a4f324
description: Detects the use of Moriya rootkit as described in the securelist's Operation TunnelSnake report
status: experimental
author: Bhabesh Raj
date: 2021/05/06
modified: 2021/11/30
    - attack.persistence
    - attack.privilege_escalation
    - attack.t1543.003
    product: windows
    service: system
        Provider_Name: 'Service Control Manager'
        EventID: 7045
        ServiceName: ZzNetSvc
    condition: selection
level: critical
    - Unknown

leads to this error:

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "security_analytics_exception",
        "reason": "Cannot invoke \"java.util.Map.containsKey(Object)\" because \"rule\" is null"
    "type": "security_analytics_exception",
    "reason": "Cannot invoke \"java.util.Map.containsKey(Object)\" because \"rule\" is null",
    "caused_by": {
      "type": "exception",
      "reason": "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"java.util.Map.containsKey(Object)\" because \"rule\" is null"
  "status": 500

Now, there is no JSON wrapping around the Sigma rule although the header states it is JSON. Since this is not consistent I tried using the JSON structure from the example responses as follows:

POST /_plugins/_security_analytics/rules?category=windows
    "_id": "M1Rm1IMByX0LvTiGvde2",
    "_version": 1,
    "rule": {
        "category": "windows",
        "title": "Moriya Rootkit",
        "log_source": "",
        "description": "Detects the use of Moriya rootkit as described in the securelist's Operation TunnelSnake report",
        "tags": [
                "value": "attack.persistence"
                "value": "attack.privilege_escalation"
                "value": "attack.t1543.003"
        "references": [
                "value": ""
        "level": "critical",
        "false_positives": [
                "value": "Unknown"
        "author": "Bhabesh Raj",
        "status": "experimental",
        "last_update_time": "2021-05-06T00:00:00.000Z",
        "rule": "title: Moriya Rootkit\nid: 25b9c01c-350d-4b95-bed1-836d04a4f324\ndescription: Detects the use of Moriya rootkit as described in the securelist's Operation TunnelSnake report\nstatus: experimental\nauthor: Bhabesh Raj\ndate: 2021/05/06\nmodified: 2021/11/30\nreferences:\n    -\ntags:\n    - attack.persistence\n    - attack.privilege_escalation\n    - attack.t1543.003\nlogsource:\n    product: windows\n    service: system\ndetection:\n    selection:\n        Provider_Name: 'Service Control Manager'\n        EventID: 7045\n        ServiceName: ZzNetSvc\n    condition: selection\nlevel: critical\nfalsepositives:\n    - Unknown"

I still an error even with a ‘rule’ key being present. This time the error is

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "security_analytics_exception",
        "reason": "Cannot invoke \"Object.toString()\" because the return value of \"java.util.Map.get(Object)\" is null"
    "type": "security_analytics_exception",
    "reason": "Cannot invoke \"Object.toString()\" because the return value of \"java.util.Map.get(Object)\" is null",
    "caused_by": {
      "type": "exception",
      "reason": "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"Object.toString()\" because the return value of \"java.util.Map.get(Object)\" is null"
  "status": 500

I would appreciate any enlightenment as to this issue.

Thank you,


I solved it!

I can still not be certain that my use of the Dev Tools was incorrect or whether it is a bug in Dev Tools, but I managed to achieve my goal by posting my request with cURL and the YAML structure in a file to the actual API.

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