[Documentation] NodeJS Support for Opensearch Dashboards v2.9.0

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
v 2.8.0
v 2.9.0

Describe the issue:

Missing clarity on NodeJS version support for OpenSearch Dashboards v2.9.0.

I would like to know if OpenSearch Dashboards v2.9.0 supports NodeJS Version >=14.20.1 and <v19.

The release notes for OpenSearch Dashboards v2.7.0 documents bumping NodeJS default version (as noted from the .nvmrc) to v14.21.3.

Release notes for OpenSearch Dashboards v2.8.0 documents adding support for NodeJS Version >=14.20.1 and <v19. However, as part of this change the default version (from the .nvmrc) seems to be bumped up to v16.20.0.

My current understanding is that for OpenSearch Dashboards v2.9.0:

  • Default Version: v16.20.0
  • Supported NodeJS versions: >= v14.20.1 & < v19

Could you please confirm this, or correct me?

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