I used all-in-one deployment and I face this error to start the replication from leader to follower node. please help me out
Kindley give quick response.
Note: This index is only created in the leader node, and I want to replicate it in the follower cluster using the ‘CCR’ (Cross-Cluster Replication) method. I checked in the path /var/lib/wazuh-indexer/nodes/0/indices, and the leader-01 index is present on the leader node. However, when I run the command mentioned above, I am facing this error.
I have ruined this command on leader with leader’s password and same with follower credentials on follower’s vm. so i have these are the right method to run command. I’m attaching the result of both the vm.
green open wazuh-archives-4.x-2024.05.30 w0f_P7sAQ3qujzobz2Qr8Q 3 0 10779 0 6.7mb 6.7mb
yellow open leader-02 Po0PkR8US-qQ74yE25iAoQ 1 1 0 0 208b 208b
yellow open leader-03 AxcHAmRNQ6mjBGX-IqEXJw 1 1 0 0 208b 208b
green open wazuh-statistics-2024.24w Mzidy9dRSs6pUrp4fSRNig 1 0 4022 0 1.4mb 1.4mb
yellow open leader-01 Oviudis3TPKSPkGWQBfrDQ 1 1 0 0 208b 208b
green open wazuh-archives-4.x-2024.05.31 EfDhwJTLRyaq0u_r_w7UYA 3 0 7272 0 4.9mb 4.9mb
Result of follower node:
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open wazuh-monitoring-2024.26w EzWm7IyrT3m5-9lvVFNxfg 1 0 0 0 208b 208b
green open .opensearch-observability Ff-WnFsjSJeLPcJPNK16YA 1 0 0 0 208b 208b
green open wazuh-alerts-4.x-2024.06.26 XNWkg2QwRWWadpaA44TkrQ 3 0 921 0 1.3mb 1.3mb
green open wazuh-alerts-4.x-2024.06.25 sIywYyGbRH-FYSx81h-fGg 3 0 996 0 1.6mb 1.6mb
green open wazuh-archives-4.x-2024.06.25 r43AswB2SbmYys6WNSQYAw 3 0 2801 0 2.8mb 2.8mb
green open wazuh-archives-4.x-2024.06.26 GpzQcIDCQF2_JulfmYS_Ug 3 0 3792 0 3.6mb 3.6mb
green open wazuh-statistics-2024.26w Gv9WRs2vTvOYKz_FlqRBEg 1 0 591 0 458.3kb 458.3kb
green open .opendistro_security E4I84EFgTa6bZpUuJ2S0IA 1 0 10 2 54.9kb 54.9kb
green open .kibana_1 EfjQldwASzmBbhb2Vtk8VA 1 0 4 1 26kb 26kb
I generated the tls certificate manually and the root and admin certificates are common on both nodes (leader and follower) & leader node certificates are separately generated on leader node and follower node’s certificates generated on follower node.
Note: root and admin certificate generated on leader node and same certificate used for follower node.
Can you add your follower cluster DN on the leader cluster ( plugins.security.nodes_dn:) to allow connections from the followers to the leader and test it again?
I don’t believe there is a difference as long as one of the below is true and you have the Basic permissions for cross-cluster replication set up:
* Security plugin fully enabled on both clusters
* Security plugin enabled only for TLS on both clusters (plugins.security.ssl_only)
* Security plugin absent or disabled on both clusters (not recommended)