I am using OpenDistro 1.11.0.
When creating a user using REST api, it works when mapping the user to an existing role ‘exporter_role’ I’ve created previously:
PUT https://{{esHost}}:{{esPort}}/_opendistro/_security/api/internalusers/exporter_test
"password": "******",
"opendistro_security_roles" : [ "exporter_role" ]
I tested, and user indeed has access by the permissions of the ‘exporter_role’.
Why this API doesn’t create any rolemapping entity? Also, in Kibana, this mapping is not shown because the lack of rolemapping.
Is this a bug? -
I can also add the rolemapping by API, and then it is shown in Kibana. But I am not sure if it is really needed or not.
PUT https://{{esHost}}:{{esPort}}/_opendistro/_security/api/rolesmapping/exporter_role
"users" : ["exporter_test" ]
Thank you,