Change type of mapped field

For Opensearch dashboards v2.11

Hi, I’m new here (and to opensearch dashboards).

In this case I use a data stream “logs-XXXX” composed of 9 backing indexes:

There is a field called “” of type string and I want to change it to type Date.

But I think that it will not be possible through the dashboard itself.

In Index Management/Index/.ds-logs-xxxx-000197,
Only allows creating fields or objects.

And in “Dashboards Management/Index patterned/logs-XXXX/”,
Entering the field “”,
Does not allow editing the field type.

What are the ways to change “” from string type to Date type?
Through the “Dev Tools”?

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

It needs reindexing. Once the indices have been created, mapping is static so you should redefine mapping for new indices