August 8, 2024, 7:13am
Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Opensearch Operator : 2.4.0
Opensearch : 2.15.0
Describe the issue :
I’m currently using opensearch 2.4.0 and trying to update the default admin password
This upgrade currently performed in test environment.
Configuration :
3 - data nodes, 3 - cluster_manager role, 1 - dashboard
Issue : Kubernetes environment setup has policy set which prohibits from exec shell inside a pod. So, I cannot generate hashkey of new password using
If I update the adminCredentialsSecret in the cluster.yaml then master node is not coming up throwing error : “Authentication finally failed for null from [:IP]”
Also, another question is wheather the adminCredentialsSecret must be updated or is it just the hash password update that would work?
Can you please help me on how to go forward and update admin password.
August 8, 2024, 8:32am
@Ghata In the Kubernetes deployment you must change the password in two places.
Security plugin using
If you’d like to use script, you can download OpenSearch binary and run the script outside the OpenSearch pod.
@pablo , I do wish you had been a little more specific and said how to do those things.
August 13, 2024, 11:33pm
@fbicknel Take a look at OpenSearch Operator documentation
# Opensearch Operator User Guide
This guide is intended for users of the Opensearch Operator. If you want to contribute to the development of the Operator, please see the [Design documents](../designs/ and the [Developer guide](../ instead.
## Installation
The Operator can be easily installed using Helm:
1. Add the helm repo: `helm repo add opensearch-operator`
2. Install the Operator: `helm install opensearch-operator opensearch-operator/opensearch-operator`
Follow the instructions in this video to install the Operator:
A few notes on operator releases:
* Please see the project README for a compatibility matrix which operator release is compatible with which OpenSearch release.
* The userguide in the repository corresponds to the current development state of the code. To view the documentation for a specific released version switch to that tag in the Github menu.
* We track feature requests as Github Issues. If you are missing a feature and find an issue for it, please be aware that an issue ticket closed as completed only means that feature has been implemented in the development version. After that it might still take some for the feature to be contained in a release. If you are unsure, please check the list of releases in our Github project if your feature is mentioned in the release notes.
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