Can't setup wazuh on opendistro

I am setting up open distro with wazuh, After installing elasticsearch, kibana, wazuh and filebeat-oss and kibana app for wazuh when i open the wazuh i am getting this


I have two agents currently registered and are active, but i can’t see any wazuh index in elasticsearch

root@ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-blr1-01:~# curl --insecure -u admin:admin https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices
green  open .kibana_92668751_admin_1     qc1xUymzRfO_CrrymfI60w 1 0   1  0   3.7kb   3.7kb
green  open .kibana_92668751_admin_2     oOo31oc-Sn6OOU1tHZJycw 1 0 431 13 357.7kb 357.7kb
yellow open security-auditlog-2020.03.08 LuIGeIeRT5a9UTvtdUmxow 1 1  21  0  82.1kb  82.1kb
green  open .opendistro_security         UT3QNRL8TfWzFZ570CNtxg 1 0   6  0  32.7kb  32.7kb
green  open .kibana_1                    Gu0m0QP0TAKW8LEWVVr8eQ 1 0   5  3  50.6kb  50.6kb
green  open .tasks                       q8c_q7B6Tq-2gN3m1X_lBw 1 0   1  0   6.4kb   6.4kb