Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
2.7.0 OpenSearch
2.7.0 OpenSearch Dashboard
Docker-Compose 1.29.2
Firefox 113.0.1
Hugging Face model: microsoft/GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq
microsoft/GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq at main
Describe the issue:
I can’t generate embedding in Opensearch via opensearch-ml-py and the REST API. It displays 'TransportError(500, ‘m_l_exception’, ‘m_l_exception: model not deployed.’
I tried the version 2.8.0 of Opensearch, the error become worst… I also tried different opensearch-ml-py version but still got the same error display.
I investigated and I found that the error come from ml-commons/ml-algorithms/src/main/java/org/opensearch/ml/engine/algorithms/ at 2.7 · opensearch-project/ml-commons · GitHub.
Actually, the API involve that my model isn’t deploy whereas it is. So the “predictor” variable is still null because the function load isn’t called. I can’t understand because I realized the deployment and the load step from the python API and the REST API…
I tried the example in the Demo Notebook to trace Sentence Transformers model — Opensearch-py-ml 1.0.0 documentation (
Still doesn’t work…
I suppose 3 possible issues:
- Error when I convert the .bin model (Misconfiguration)
- Error to find the model path in Opensearch
- Error in the 2 last versions?
If you have any suggestions, let me know.
Docker-compose file:
version: ‘3’
3 nodes including 1 ML node, and 2 default nodes (data, cluster_manager…)
Model converter - py file
CLUSTER_URL = 'localhost:9200'
def get_os_client(cluster_url = CLUSTER_URL,
Get OpenSearch client
:param cluster_url: cluster URL like ://
:return: OpenSearch client
client = OpenSearch(
http_auth=(username, password),
return client
client = get_os_client()
import opensearch_py_ml as oml
from opensearch_py_ml.ml_commons import MLCommonClient
ml_client = MLCommonClient(client)
pre_trained_model = SentenceTransformerModel(folder_path = 'MicrosoftBot/', overwrite = True, model_id = "microsoft/GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq")
model_path = pre_trained_model.save_as_pt(model_id = "microsoft/GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq", save_json_folder_path = "MicrosoftBot/",model_name = "GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq", sentences=["This is an example sentence", "Each sentence is converted"])
model_config_path = pre_trained_model.make_model_config_json(embedding_dimension=1024, verbose=True)
Upload model:
#connect to ml_common client with OpenSearch client
from opensearch_py_ml.ml_commons import MLCommonClient
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Unverified HTTPS request")
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
CLUSTER_URL = 'localhost:9200'
def get_os_client(cluster_url = CLUSTER_URL,
Get OpenSearch client
:param cluster_url: cluster URL like
:return: OpenSearch client
client = OpenSearch(
http_auth=(username, password),
return client
client = get_os_client()
ml_client = MLCommonClient(client)
model_path = '/home/adrien/Documents/OpenSearch/MicrosoftBot/'
model_config_path = '/home/adrien/Documents/OpenSearch/MicrosoftBot/ml-commons_model_config.json'
modelId = ml_client.upload_model(model_path, model_config_path, isVerbose=True)
print("model id:" + modelId)
model_info = ml_client.get_model_info(modelId)
Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
Terminal logs:
No sentence-transformers model found with name /home/adrien/.cache/torch/sentence_transformers/microsoft_GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq. Creating a new one with MEAN pooling.
Some weights of the model checkpoint at /home/adrien/.cache/torch/sentence_transformers/microsoft_GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq were not used when initializing T5EncoderModel: ['lm_head.weight']
- This IS expected if you are initializing T5EncoderModel from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing T5EncoderModel from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
model file is saved to MicrosoftBot/GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq
zip file is saved to MicrosoftBot/
reading config file from: MicrosoftBot/config.json
generating ml-commons_model_config.json file...
{'name': 'microsoft/GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq', 'version': 1, 'model_format': 'TORCH_SCRIPT', 'model_task_type': 'TEXT_EMBEDDING', 'model_config': {'model_type': 't5', 'embedding_dimension': 1024, 'framework_type': 'sentence_transformers', 'all_config': '{"_name_or_path": "/home/adrien/.cache/torch/sentence_transformers/microsoft_GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq", "architectures": ["T5EncoderModel"], "d_ff": 4096, "d_kv": 64, "d_model": 1024, "decoder_start_token_id": 0, "dense_act_fn": "relu", "dropout_rate": 0.1, "eos_token_id": 1, "feed_forward_proj": "relu", "initializer_factor": 1.0, "is_encoder_decoder": true, "is_gated_act": false, "layer_norm_epsilon": 1e-06, "model_type": "t5", "n_positions": 512, "num_decoder_layers": 24, "num_heads": 16, "num_layers": 24, "output_past": true, "pad_token_id": 0, "relative_attention_max_distance": 128, "relative_attention_num_buckets": 32, "task_specific_params": {"summarization": {"early_stopping": true, "length_penalty": 2.0, "max_length": 200, "min_length": 30, "no_repeat_ngram_size": 3, "num_beams": 4, "prefix": "summarize: "}, "translation_en_to_de": {"early_stopping": true, "max_length": 300, "num_beams": 4, "prefix": "translate English to German: "}, "translation_en_to_fr": {"early_stopping": true, "max_length": 300, "num_beams": 4, "prefix": "translate English to French: "}, "translation_en_to_ro": {"early_stopping": true, "max_length": 300, "num_beams": 4, "prefix": "translate English to Romanian: "}}, "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.30.1", "use_cache": true, "vocab_size": 32102}'}}
ml-commons_model_config.json file is saved at : MicrosoftBot/ml-commons_model_config.json
Dev tools console – model info:
Model deployed.