Can't delete snapshot from S3 - Duplicate key

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser): 2.15.0

Describe the issue:
I am unable to delete any snapshots from S3 backup repository.
Any snapshot I try to delete gives the same error:

curl -s -k -u admin:PASSWORD_GOES_HERE --cert ./admin.pem --key ./admin.key -XDELETE https://localhost:9200/_snapshot/OUR_BUCKET_NAME/full_snapshot-2024.05.07-21:45:01 | jq .
  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "illegal_state_exception",
        "reason": "Duplicate key full_snapshot-2024.01.19-11:45:01 (attempted merging values full_snapshot-2024.01.19-11:45:01/hR6Ow1lNQNyx96Nye6KyMg and full_snapshot-2024.01.19-11:45:01/DG_H6JwFSFa-7xLDHVzJpA)"
    "type": "illegal_state_exception",
    "reason": "Duplicate key full_snapshot-2024.01.19-11:45:01 (attempted merging values full_snapshot-2024.01.19-11:45:01/hR6Ow1lNQNyx96Nye6KyMg and full_snapshot-2024.01.19-11:45:01/DG_H6JwFSFa-7xLDHVzJpA)"
  "status": 500

Any idea how I fix this? Looks like snapshot full_snapshot-2024.01.19-11:45:01 is corrupt?


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