Cannot reindex opendistro-alerting-alert while upgrading from OpenSearch 1.3 to 2.11

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser): 2.11

Describe the issue:
We cannot reindex opendistro-alerting-alert while upgrading from OpenSearch 1.3 to 2.11. The index was causing an issue during the upgrade due to it being incompatible. We also tried to delete and reindex the index on OpenSearch Dashboard but we are not able to do so due to permission issue despite the user having access-all rights.

  1. What is the best way to delete this index?
  2. Is there an alternative way of reindexing/upgrading to get around the issue?


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
a. Logs while trying to upgrade to OpenSearch 2.11:
The following indices are not compatible with the target Elasticsearch version OS_2.3 - .opendistro-alerting-alerts, .opendistro-alerting-config. Please refer to our documentation for tips to address this issue
b. Logs while trying to delete the index:

        "type" : "security_exception",
        "reason" : "no permissions for [] and User [name=user, backend_roles=[...........], requestedTenant=]"

Hey @junekang08

Seems those index sets are for security. You may have to run cURL command instead so using Dev Tools/ This would require certificates.


curl -k --cert ./kirk.pem --key ./kirk-key.pem -XPOST 'https://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my-repository/3/_restore?pretty

This is found here

@Gsmitt thanks for your reply!

AWS have said they will help us delete the indices but if that doesn’t work will give this ago. Cheers.

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