Can I have admin certificate signed by different authority and node certificate signed by different authority

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:
Can I use admin certificate signed by different certificate authority and node certificate signed by different certificate authority?
If yes, can I also use different certificates for different machines(different nodes) in the cluster?


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Hi @ankitlunawat7,

Yes, rootCA must either match the rootCA of the HTTP layer or must be concatenated with the HTTP layer rootCA.


@Mantas Thank you for your reply
Is it possible to use different certificates for different machines(nodes) in the cluster as well then?

@ankitlunawat7, yes it is possible. A few things to keep in mind: all rootCA must be concatenated in all nodes and all nodes require a restart to apply new rootCA.


@Mantas Noted. Thank you so much