Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
OpenSearch 1.3 on AWS
Describe the issue:
I have a OpenSearch Service instance on AWS with 2 nodes, during each indexation with knn vectors, one node was lost near the end of indexation. Thanks to the automatic remediation of red clusters, the lost node was restored 30 minutes later.
The vector index contains some text fields and a knn field, with more than 2 millions documents, the total size is 11gb in index.
I have a Python3 program to get data from an index with scroll, and run vector indexation with _bulk
How to avoid the problem of lost node?
OpenSearch Service instance: type on AWS, 2 nodes with 4 vCPU, 8 Gb RAM, 200 Gb storage, 6000 IOPS, 256 Mo/s of each node
@Garance Is it possible to repro in latest versions(>=2.5 version)? We can certainly take look but want to make sure if this is something we fixed in 2.x.