Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
v 2.5.0 on OpenSearch Operator, GKE
Describe the issue:
We have a self-managed OpenSearch cluster deployed through OpenSearch Operator in GKE, and we also use AWS-managed OpenSerach in our AWS environments (that’s v 2.13.0 but I don’t have relevant audit logs from AWS for now). Recently we have been noticing that auto_create_index in cluster settings randomly get disabled. So we turned on the security audit logging to troubleshoot.
From the audit logs it looks like it’s making a PutMappingRequest call related to auto_create_index. I would like to know if this is originated internally from within the OpenSerach as most likely none of us have made this request. Is it possible that this call could disable the cluster setting?
There’s also one more field audit_trace_resolved_indices which I am confused about. That is pointing to temporal index. What exactly does it indicate? The docs contain very little and vague information about this field, and Is that relevant to the issue we are facing?
Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
security audit logs:
"_index": "security-auditlog-2024.11.13",
"_id": "JCsYJJMB080fu-NbxiXI",
"_version": 1,
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"audit_trace_task_parent_id": "0R4Ks7mZSTGfItYrsd2XIg:470190619",
"audit_cluster_name": "os-cluster",
"audit_transport_headers": {
"_opendistro_security_remote_address_header": "...",
"_opendistro_security_initial_action_class_header": "BulkShardRequest",
"_opendistro_security_origin_header": "REST",
"_opendistro_security_user_header": "...",
"_opendistro_security_remotecn": "os-cluster"
"audit_node_name": "os-cluster-masters-1",
"audit_trace_task_id": "yFDAc2uGRmm8Bz0Gb_IzAQ:96320951",
"audit_transport_request_type": "PutMappingRequest",
"audit_category": "INDEX_EVENT",
"audit_request_origin": "REST",
"audit_request_body": "{\"_doc\":{\"properties\":{\"log_processed\":{\"properties\":{\"persistent\":{\"properties\":{\"action\":{\"properties\":{\"auto_create_index\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"fields\":{\"keyword\":{\"type\":\"keyword\",\"ignore_above\":256}}}}}}},\"transient\":{\"type\":\"object\"}}}}}}",
"audit_node_id": "yFDAc2uGRmm8Bz0Gb_IzAQ",
"audit_request_layer": "TRANSPORT",
"@timestamp": "2024-11-13T05:57:03.816+00:00",
"audit_format_version": 4,
"audit_request_remote_address": "",
"audit_request_privilege": "indices:admin/mapping/auto_put",
"audit_node_host_address": "",
"audit_request_effective_user": "admin",
"audit_trace_resolved_indices": [
"audit_node_host_name": "os-cluster-masters-1"
"fields": {
"@timestamp": [
"highlight": {
"audit_request_body": [
"sort": [