Anomaly Detection DSL errors

I am trying to set up some anomaly detections. I have an index that has field http.response.status_code. This is a long and contains the HTTP status code.

I am trying to create a detector that will search my index, however, I am failing to achieve this :frowning:

If I go to Dev Tools, I am able to search my index. I have tried a few different ways

  "query": {
    "range": {
      "http.response.status_code": {
        "gte": 400,
        "lt": 500


  "query": {
    "terms": {
      "http.response.status_code": [

These all return documents, but when I use the same code under custom expression in AD I get an query error
Custom query error: [1:1309] [terms] unknown field [http.response.status_code]

The end goal is that I am trying to set up a detector that will detect an increase in 4XX and 5XX which is in field http.response.status_code

Any suggestions?

Think I worked it out. I was adding the filtering in the one wrong place.

When setting up the Data Source, you can add a Data filter, this is where you can add filters based on status codes.
I created 2 ADs. One with the Data filter looking for 4XX and another looking 5XX.

Hopefully, this will help someone else.

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