Alerting API - Schedule alerts at a particular time

The API documentation says that in order to schedule alerts at a particular interval, we can pass the following…

"schedule": {
            "period": {
                "unit": "HOURS"

What should I pass if I want it to run at a particular time?

You can use cron patterns:

  "schedule" : {
    "cron" : {
       "expression" : "45 13 1-31/2 * *",
       "timezone" : "Africa/Algiers"

This would run every other day at 1:45 PM, for example.

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So, if I want this to run at 12:01 AM everyday, the pattern would be something like “01 00 ** 0-7” ? I’m little confused with the wildcard part.

I think you want 1 0 * * * - I use crontab guru. It’s great, you can interactively configure the cron pattern.

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