Aggregations.composite_buckets.composite.size:1000 seems hardcoded for GROUP BY

When I run query with aggregation using GROUP BY I only get 1000 results because of aggregations.composite_buckets.composite.size:1000 inserted by parser:

POST /_plugins/_sql/_explain
  "query": """
  SELECT Account, SUM(Credits) FROM someevents-* GROUP BY Account

  "root": {
    "name": "ProjectOperator",
    "description": {
      "fields": "[Account, SUM(Credits)]"
    "children": [
        "name": "OpenSearchIndexScan",
        "description": {
          "request": """OpenSearchQueryRequest(indexName=someevents-*, sourceBuilder={"from":0,"size":0,"timeout":"1m","aggregations":{"composite_buckets":{"composite":{"size":1000,"sources":[{"Account":{"terms":{"field":"Account","missing_bucket":true,"missing_order":"first","order":"asc"}}}]},"aggregations":{"SUM(Credits)":{"sum":{"field":"Credits"}}}}}}, searchDone=false)"""
        "children": []

I want to increase amount of results returned. Is it even possible? Per request to SQL API or by cluster setting.
I looked at _cluster/settings but couldn’t find anything related. LIMIT 2000 not helping too.


Yes, it’s a limitation of the current plugin. Bucket size is hard-coded here.

I believe this is the issue to address it.

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