Setup Active Direcoty with Opendistro or Opensearch

password is set in config.yml in both side authc and authz both side but the same issue and i am not getting your point about push the modifications to your cluster with the script.

You have to push the changes of config.yml file to the .opensearch security index.
Here you can find some explanations :

What bind_dn did you set ?
Can you post your config.yml file again ? without password or hide it

Configuration push using following command
-f …/securityconfig/config.yml
-icl -nhnv -cert /etc/elasticsearch/kirk.pem
-cacert /etc/elasticsearch/root-ca.pem
-key /etc/elasticsearch/kirk-key.pem
-t config
but still not working

This is my Currunt Config

type: “config”
config_version: 2


do_not_fail_on_forbidden: true

  anonymous_auth_enabled: true
    enabled: false
    internalProxies: '192\.168\.0\.10|192\.168\.0\.11' # regex pattern


    description: "ElasticSearch Internal Users Database"
    http_enabled: true
    transport_enabled: true
    order: 1
      type: basic
      challenge: true
      type: intern

    description: "MyCompany Active Directory"
    http_enabled: true
    transport_enabled: true
    order: 2
      type: basic
      challenge: true
      # LDAP authentication backend (authenticate users against a LDAP or Active Directory)
      type: ldap
        # enable ldaps
        enable_ssl: true
        # enable start tls, enable_ssl should be false
        enable_start_tls: false
        # send client certificate
        enable_ssl_client_auth: false
        # verify ldap hostname
        verify_hostnames: false
        - x.x.x.x:636

        #connect_timeout in milliseconds. How long does it take the server to respond
        connect_timeout: 3000
        #response_timeout in milliseconds. If 2FA is used, set to to value that gives users enough time to respond
        response_timeout: 30000
        bind_dn: 'CN=dharmin,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users and Groups,DC=dharmin,DC=com'
        password: password
        userbase: "DC=dharmin,DC=com"
        # Filter to search for users (currently in the whole subtree beneath userbase)
        # {0} is substituted with the username
        usersearch: "(sAMAccountName={0})"
        # Use this attribute from the user as username (if not set then DN is used)
        username_attribute: "cn"


    description: "MyCompany AD Authorization Sources"
    http_enabled: true
    transport_enabled: true
      # LDAP authorization backend (gather roles from a LDAP or Active Directory, you have to configure the above LDAP authentication backend settings too)
      type: ldap
        # enable ldaps
        enable_ssl: true
        # enable start tls, enable_ssl should be false
        enable_start_tls: false
        # send client certificate
        enable_ssl_client_auth: false
        # verify ldap hostname
        verify_hostnames: false
        - x.x.x.x:636
        bind_dn: 'CN=dharmin,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users and Groups,DC=dharmin,DC=com'
        password: password
        #Disable use of custom_attribute_names
        custom_attr_maxval_len: 1
        userbase: DC=dharmin,DC=com
        # Filter to search for users (currently in the whole subtree beneath userbase)
        # {0} is substituted with the username
        #usersearch: '(uid={0})'
        usersearch: "(sAMAccountName={0})"
        username_attribute: "cn"
        # Filter to search for roles (currently in the whole subtree beneath rolebase)
        # {0} is substituted with the DN of the user
        # {1} is substituted with the username
        # {2} is substituted with an attribute value from user's directory entry, of the authenticated user. Use userroleattribute to specify the name of the attribute
        rolebase: 'OU=Users and Groups,DC=dharmin,DC=com'
        rolesearch: "(member={0})"
        # Specify the name of the attribute which value should be substituted with {2} above
        userroleattribute: null
        # Roles as an attribute of the user entry
        #userrolename: disabled
        userrolename: memberOf
        # The attribute in a role entry containing the name of that role, Default is "name".
        # Can also be "dn" to use the full DN as rolename.
        rolename: "cn"
        #rolename: name
        # Resolve nested roles transitive (roles which are members of other roles and so on ...)
        resolve_nested_roles: true
        # Skip users matching a user name, a wildcard or a regex pattern
        - kibanaserver
        - "cn=Michael Jackson,ou*people,o=TEST"
        - "/\S*/"

Do you still have incorrect username or password error ?

Maybe try to switch order of AD and internal_users_domain.

Put quotes around strings. (type: “basic”, type: “ldap”)

Maybe remove the connect_timeout settings for now or increase it.

Try to put all bind_dn in lower case ?

bind_dn: 'cn=dharmin,ou=Service Accounts,ou=Users and Groups,dc=dharmin,dc=com'

And maybe your bind_dn is not correct, if you check your Powershell output, your bind_dn should be :

bind_dn: 'cn=dharmin,cn=Users,dc=dharmin,dc=com'

No Luck Still Same Error

This is my Currunt Config change order execution in config.yml as per showing in kibana


type: “config”
config_version: 2


do_not_fail_on_forbidden: true

  anonymous_auth_enabled: true
    enabled: false
    internalProxies: '192\.168\.0\.10|192\.168\.0\.11' # regex pattern


    description: "ElasticSearch Internal Users Database"
    http_enabled: true
    transport_enabled: true
    order: 4
      type: "basic"
      challenge: true
      type: intern

    description: "MyCompany Active Directory"
    http_enabled: true
    transport_enabled: true
    order: 4
      type: "basic"
      challenge: true
      # LDAP authentication backend (authenticate users against a LDAP or Active Directory)
      type: ldap
        # enable ldaps
        enable_ssl: true
        # enable start tls, enable_ssl should be false
        enable_start_tls: false
        # send client certificate
        enable_ssl_client_auth: false
        # verify ldap hostname
        verify_hostnames: false
        - x.x.x.x:636

        #connect_timeout in milliseconds. How long does it take the server to respond
        connect_timeout: 3000
        #response_timeout in milliseconds. If 2FA is used, set to to value that gives users enough time to respond
        response_timeout: 30000
        bind_dn: 'cn=dharmin,cn=Users,dc=dharmin,dc=com'
        password: password
        userbase: "dc=dharmin,dc=com"
        # Filter to search for users (currently in the whole subtree beneath userbase)
        # {0} is substituted with the username
        usersearch: "(sAMAccountName={0})"
        # Use this attribute from the user as username (if not set then DN is used)
        username_attribute: "cn"


    description: "MyCompany AD Authorization Sources"
    http_enabled: true
    transport_enabled: true
      # LDAP authorization backend (gather roles from a LDAP or Active Directory, you have to configure the above LDAP authentication backend settings too)
      type: "ldap"
        # enable ldaps
        enable_ssl: true
        # enable start tls, enable_ssl should be false
        enable_start_tls: false
        # send client certificate
        enable_ssl_client_auth: false
        # verify ldap hostname
        verify_hostnames: false
        - x.x.x.x:636
        bind_dn: 'cn=dharmin,cn=Users,dc=dharmin,dc=com'
        password: password
        #Disable use of custom_attribute_names
        custom_attr_maxval_len: 1
        userbase: dc=dharmin,dc=com
        # Filter to search for users (currently in the whole subtree beneath userbase)
        # {0} is substituted with the username
        #usersearch: '(uid={0})'
        usersearch: "(sAMAccountName={0})"
        username_attribute: "cn"
        # Filter to search for roles (currently in the whole subtree beneath rolebase)
        # {0} is substituted with the DN of the user
        # {1} is substituted with the username
        # {2} is substituted with an attribute value from user's directory entry, of the authenticated user. Use userroleattribute to specify the name of the attribute
        rolebase: 'OU=Users and Groups,DC=dharmin,DC=com'
        rolesearch: "(member={0})"
        # Specify the name of the attribute which value should be substituted with {2} above
        userroleattribute: null
        # Roles as an attribute of the user entry
        #userrolename: disabled
        userrolename: memberOf
        # The attribute in a role entry containing the name of that role, Default is "name".
        # Can also be "dn" to use the full DN as rolename.
        rolename: "cn"
        #rolename: name
        # Resolve nested roles transitive (roles which are members of other roles and so on ...)
        resolve_nested_roles: true
        # Skip users matching a user name, a wildcard or a regex pattern
        - kibanaserver
        - "cn=Michael Jackson,ou*people,o=TEST"
        - "/\S*/"

Your LDAP line is disabled so of course it doesn’t work.
What is the output of securtiy admin script when you push changes ?

Are you sure you can reach your Active Directory ?
Are you forced to use SSL ?
Try port 389 and disable SSL

You can check the settings by using Linux utility ldapwhoami
If you can make it works, then you will be able to extrapolate the settings into OpenSearch security config file.

You can also give it a try to ldapsearch

ldapsearch -H "ldap://x.x.x.x:636" -D "cn=dharmin,cn=Users,dc=dharmin,dc=com" -W -b "dc=dharmin,dc=com" 

or without SSL

ldapsearch -H "ldap://x.x.x.x:389" -D "cn=dharmin,cn=Users,dc=dharmin,dc=com" -W -b "dc=dharmin,dc=com"

you mean to say I have to Install LDAP in elasticsearch machine ?

Yes you can install the tools and then delete them.

Sorry for late reply after config this getting this error

I found from dsquery


Seems like the password is wrong or whole credentials are wrong.
I can’t fix this for you without vision of your AD…

Then you bind_dn should be “cn=dharmin fadia,cn=Users,dc=dharmin,dc=com

You have to make this command works before you can move on to OpenSearch configuration.

This is asking ldap password which I configure or my AD passwrod or it is my user password what passwrod is asking may be this is ldap password.

There is no LDAP password.

It’s the user password you use to request the LDAP.
This is why i told you it’s better to differentiate the account to link LDAP and the parameters for the logged in user.

this command is working

Then change your config.yml with the right bind_dn :slight_smile:

YES but still not working :smiley:


It’s normal :slight_smile:
If your CN is “dharmin fadia” you have to login as “dharmin fadia
You can try to look for another attribute in the AD, and use it instead of CN.
Maybe like mail

Fix this part :

usersearch: "(sAMAccountName={0})"
username_attribute: "cn"

Adapt to your needs…

With this settings
usersearch: “(sAMAccountName={0})”
username_attribute: “mail”

usersearch should be “(mail={0])
Not sure it works.
Because right now, it still waits for “dharmin fadia

username_attribute is the attribute you will use to pass for the authorization part, authz.
Here you are stating you will use the mail value of the user object.

Still Same issue :innocent:


What is your config file?
Authz part

You need to modify this part too