@pablo I thought so, but I haven’t managed to make it happen (yet).
First I generated the certs as the page you linked mentions.
Then I created a generic k8s secret called opensearch-certs, where I passed in each of those 5 files: admin.pem
, admin-key.pem
, node.pem
, node-key.pem
, root-ca.pem
(although I’m not sure if I need the admin*
I then added that secret to the secretMounts
section of the opensearch.yml
118 secretMounts:
119 - name: opensearch-certs
120 secretName: opensearch-certs
121 path: /usr/share/opensearch/config/ssl
Finally, here’s the SSL section of opensearch.yml
60 ssl:
61 transport:
62 pemcert_filepath: ssl/node1.pem
63 pemkey_filepath: ssl/node1-key.pem
64 pemtrustedcas_filepath: ssl/root-ca.pem
65 enforce_hostname_verification: false
66 http:
67 enabled: true
68 pemcert_filepath: ssl/node1.pem
69 pemkey_filepath: ssl/node1-key.pem
70 pemtrustedcas_filepath: ssl/root-ca.pem
71 allow_unsafe_democertificates: true
72 allow_default_init_securityindex: true
73 authcz:
74 admin_dn:
75 - "CN=AB,OU=CDE,O=Something,L=Somewhere,C=GF"
76 nodes_dn:
77 - "CN=AB,OU=CDE,O=Something,L=Somewhere,C=GF"
When I start up the OpenSearch pods, I get the following:
[opensearch-cluster-master-0] OpenSearchException[Transport client
authentication no longer supported.]
And I also get
[2022-12-12T15:35:28,551][WARN ][o.o.d.HandshakingTransportAddressConnector]
[opensearch-cluster-master-0] handshake failed for
Caused by: org.opensearch.OpenSearchException: Transport client
authentication no longer supported.
If I remove the transport
section, I get the following error on startup:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to load plugin class
Likely root cause: OpenSearchException[
plugins.security.ssl.transport.keystore_filepath or
and plugins.security.ssl.transport.client.pemcert_filepath must be
set if transport ssl is requested.]
I don’t know if this is important, but the pods are part of a k8s stateful set that’s running on a local kind cluster.