OpenSearch Lucene Study Group Meeting - Monday, April 29th, 2024

Possible discussion topics for this week:

  1. Continue the discussion from last time around porting OpenSearch’s aggregations to Lucene (integrating with the facets framework). Related issue: [DISCUSS] Identifying Gaps in Lucene’s Faceting · Issue #12553 · apache/lucene · GitHub.
  2. Somewhat related to that, there’s the idea of adding support for OLAP-style dimensional rollups at indexing / merge time: Support for building materialized views using Lucene formats · Issue #13188 · apache/lucene · GitHub.
  3. We had assigned homework items 4 weeks ago: OpenSearch Lucene Study Group Meeting - Monday, April 1st, 2024 - #2 by msfroh. We can follow up on those if folks have learning to share.
  4. I’ve been mulling thoughts about how Lucene data formats would look if they were designed specifically for cloud storage, instead of files on disk. What would change (if anything)?

Also, I’ll probably give a quick recap of things I saw/learned at the Haystack conference last week.