Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Describe the issue:
I have a transform job scheduled in my opensearch, it runs every 10 mins.
sometimes I observe the transform job getting disabled due to error:
“Failed validation - [The cluster is breaching the jvm usage threshold [85], cannot execute the transform]”
I think this happens when the data role node are executing some heavy ISM activities like forcemerge etc.
what I expect are:
the transform job can be run on a specific node other than a data node. However define a “transform” node role doens’t really helps. after reading opensearch doc, i understand “transform” is not really a node role.
alternativelly, if the data node jvm usage is higher than 85%, the transform job can skip the run, and try again in the next runtime.
in anycase, the transform job shall not be disabled… -
I’d like to learn, if there’s a way to setup this [85] threadhold? if I can use any parameter to set it to 90 or 95 ?
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