OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0802

Chat log:

07:57:48 From Kris Freedain to Waiting Room Participants:
We’ll be letting people in soon
08:02:57 From Lukáš Vlček ( to Everyone:
08:03:11 From Satish Nandi to Everyone:
Morning folks
08:03:16 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
Good morning!
08:03:54 From Charlotte Henkle to Everyone:
08:05:56 From Nate Boot to Everyone:
08:06:04 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
08:07:56 From Charlotte Henkle to Everyone:
08:09:33 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
OpenSearchCon 2022 · OpenSearch
08:09:50 From Michelle Anne Tabirao to Everyone:
will see you there! :slight_smile:
08:10:00 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
Awesome! See you there!!
08:10:26 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
Hope to see many more of you as well - register here:
08:12:52 From Andriy Redko to Everyone:
08:14:13 From Peter Zhu to Everyone:
08:14:25 From Peter Zhu to Everyone:
[Meta] OpenSearch / OpenSearch Dashboards - Windows distribution (X64) · Issue #33 · opensearch-project/opensearch-build · GitHub
08:14:49 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
Thanks for the links Andriy & Peter
08:15:49 From Peter Zhu to Everyone:
[Discuss] OpenSearch/Dashboards Windows Distribution Design Document · Issue #2312 · opensearch-project/opensearch-build · GitHub
08:22:06 From Charlotte Henkle to Everyone:
In terms of releasing on Windows, we’ll do all future release on it, so when we release 1.3.x, it’ll also get a window version.
08:22:46 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
thanks Charlotte!
08:26:26 From Charlotte Henkle to Everyone:
08:27:51 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
thanks peter:)
08:28:06 From Peter Zhu to Everyone:
08:29:24 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
kotlin, aka “better scala”
08:30:43 From Nate Boot to Everyone:
I knew I heard a Dutch accent!
08:33:51 From Nate Boot to Everyone:
08:38:12 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
Wow, please share link for the repo. would like to contribute!
08:42:56 From Andriy Redko to Everyone:
Seems like CORS issue
08:43:11 From Nate Boot to Everyone:
yea - says CORS missing allow origin
08:45:49 From Nate Boot to Everyone:
08:45:55 From Nate Boot to Everyone:
Money sure does help! :slight_smile:
08:46:00 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
GitHub - jillesvangurp/kt-search: Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch
08:46:21 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
GitHub - jillesvangurp/kt-search-kts: Adds kts scripting to kt-search and provides some convenience around using that from kts.
08:46:50 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
GitHub - formation-res/kt-fullstack-demo: Demo for July 2022 Kotlin Virtual User Group
08:47:12 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
08:55:17 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
Thanks, very interesting work
08:56:06 From Jilles Van Gurp to Everyone:
GitHub - jillesvangurp/kt-search: Multi platform kotlin client for Elasticsearch & Opensearch
08:56:18 From Jilles Van Gurp to Everyone:
sldes: Kt-Search - Opensearch Community Meeting - Google Slides
08:56:33 From Jilles Van Gurp to Everyone:
the slides have my details and all the links at the end
08:56:42 From AWS - Francisco Gonzalez - franglez@ to Everyone:
Thank you, Great meeting!
08:57:45 From Terry Q to Everyone:
OpenSearch plugins - OpenSearch documentation
08:59:31 From Terry Q to Everyone:
ICU Analysis Plugin | Elasticsearch Plugins and Integrations [8.4] | Elastic
09:00:51 From Peter Zhu to Everyone:
09:02:28 From Peter Zhu to Everyone:
Central Repository: org/opensearch/plugin
09:04:01 From Amitai Stern to Everyone:
09:04:17 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
We can keep the forum thread going for today’s meeting: OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0802
09:06:29 From Eva Millan to Everyone:
09:08:17 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
09:09:52 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
Hope to see everyone at the next meeting! OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0816
09:09:55 From Lukáš Vlček ( to Everyone:
Thank you.
09:10:00 From Max Ksyunz to Everyone:
Thanks you!
09:10:03 From Tao Liu to Everyone:
Thank you
09:10:04 From Eva Millan to Everyone:
09:10:05 From Terry Q to Everyone:
09:10:07 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
thanks everyone!
09:10:24 From William Beckler, OpenSearch (he/him) to Everyone:
awesome kotlin preso
09:10:30 From William Beckler, OpenSearch (he/him) to Everyone:
I’m a convert!