Open Distro on EKS (Kubernetes) Login Redirect Loop

Hi, hoping someone has come across this issue. When I try to dial into Kibana running on k8s over an SSH tunnel (via kubectl port-forward services/kibana 5601:5601), I seem to hit some strange issue where I am repeatedly directed back to http://localhost:5601/login?nextUrl=%2F after trying to log in using my admin account (configured via internal-users.yml). No error is displayed in the front-end.

Checking the browser debug console reveals that I hit a 401 Unauthorized status when it tries to fetch /api/v1/restapiinfo, despite the fact that I have set up my kibana.yml with a suitable username and password -

  - http://es-http-service:9200
  password: ****
  username: ***
    verificationMode: none
  requestHeadersWhitelist: ["Authorization", "security_tenant"]

When I try to hit this REST endpoint using curl from within the Kibana instance, I get a similar result suggesting that my user is not authorised on the api endpoint.

curl -u kibanaserver:*** localhost:5601/api/v1/restapiinfo


Has anyone experienced similar issues trying to run the Open Distro Kibana image on Kubernetes?

Hi @miles.garnsey Did you manage to get it working? If not which version are you using?
Also, for testing purposes, can you use admin:admin to log in? (assuming this user is still set up)